Monday, February 9, 2009

Cute Wrinkly Pup of the Week:

Courtsey of Apartment Therapy- love it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do you Olive the Oil?

Taking his cues from small children who refuse to eat their vegetables, Mr. Mochi has been thumbing his nose at the excellent, high quality organic food I've been trying to give him for the last few weeks.  Tougher to break than the most highly-trained CIA operative, even days of starvation wouldn't induce him to eat the healthy stuff.  On a tip from a vet tech friend, I tried adding a teeny bit of olive oil to his food, and voila!  Success! 

Although I confess to using the olive oil trick more often than my friend suggested, I've seen no ill-effects, poo-related or otherwise.  Has anyone else tried this?  Heard of anything adverse happening after giving dogs olive oil on a regular basis?  

(slightly better moisturized) Paws Out!

Everlasting Treat Ball: The saga continues...

So, I decided to give the ETB another try yesterday, and Mr. Picky-McPicks-a-lot loved it? Does absence made the heart grow fonder?  Or was it just the new livertastic flavor that delighted his senses?  We'll never know, but the verdict is in...